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ASP.NET CORE MVC | Build a Complete eCommerce App
Before you get started
How to use any version of .NET?
Hello (2:13)
Application demo (13:06)
What to expect from this course (1:49)
Getting Started
What is MVC? (4:04)
Your first MVC application (4:20)
Default application files (7:24)
Course code structure (2:10)
Application models overview (1:11)
Adding your first model (3:23)
Adding producer model (1:47)
Adding cinema model (1:36)
Adding movie model (4:40)
Adding your DbContext file (4:53)
Adding model relationships (12:58)
Configuring SQL Server (4:58)
Adding your first migration (6:32)
Seeding the database (8:48)
Application controllers overview (2:48)
Adding the ActorsController (6:04)
Adding the ProducersController (2:41)
Adding the CinemasController (1:57)
Adding the MoviesController (1:38)
Adding your first view (list of actors) (15:24)
Adding the Producers view (6:44)
Adding the Cinemas view (5:38)
Adding the movies view (2:54)
Designing the movie card (13:35)
Designing the navigation bar (11:08)
Working with actors data
Adding IActorsService interface (4:38)
Adding your first service (6:03)
Major dependency-injection lifetimes (Singleton vs Scoped vs Transient) (2:47)
Designing your first form | Create Actor (15:11)
Model Validation - Adding data to database (10:00)
Getting item by id (Actor Details) (10:49)
Updating data in database (Edit Actor) (6:46)
Deleting data from database (Delete Actor) (8:53)
Adding NotFound View (4:48)
Entity Base Repository
Adding EntityBaseRepository files (5:59)
GetAllAsync() & GetByIdAsync() base methods (3:42)
AddAsync() method in base repository (1:37)
UpdateAsync() & DeleteAsync() methods in base repository (2:31)
ActorsService configuration with EntityBaseRepository (7:20)
Working with producer data
Getting producer details (5:35)
ProducersService configuration with EntityBaseRepository (4:57)
Adding new producer to database (8:52)
Updating a producer (6:20)
Deleting a producer from database (4:17)
Working with cinema data
CinemasService configuration with EntityBaseRepository (5:44)
Adding new cinema to database (10:14)
Getting cinema details (4:48)
Updating existing cinema (4:50)
Deleting a Cinema from database (4:35)
Working with movie data
MoviesService configuration with EntityBaseRepository (5:47)
Include() with generic repository (4:39)
Getting movie details (15:01)
Passing data to a view (8:00)
Designing Create Movie form (24:16)
Dropdown lists from database (11:44)
Partial views - [Add New button] (5:56)
Adding new movie to database (9:34)
Updating existing movie (14:38)
Searching for a movie (4:51)
Shopping cart and orders
Adding Order & OrderItem models (7:15)
Adding ShoppingCartItem model (3:13)
Setting up ShoppingCart class (5:31)
Creating AddItemToCart() method (3:13)
Creating RemoveItemFromCart() method (2:12)
Adding OrdersController file (5:37)
Designing shopping cart view (10:49)
Configuring sessions & shopping cart as a service (8:24)
Adding items to shopping cart (6:12)
Removing items from shopping cart (1:51)
ViewComponents (10:56)
Adding and configuring OrdersService (9:13)
Ordering items without PayPal (9:25)
Listing all orders (10:53)
Orders option in user profile section (5:02)
Paypal integration
PayPal Sandbox application (3:56)
PayPal checkout button (8:57)
Setting up PayPal payments (3:58)
Setting up PayPal payments (8:19)
Introduction to ASP.NET Identity framework (3:39)
Adding Identity tables (7:50)
Seeding database users & roles (13:36)
Idenity configuration in Startup.cs (5:26)
Adding the AccountController (3:07)
Designing Login view (12:54)
Logging in users (8:52)
88. Designing Sign up view (7:32)
89. Signing up users (7:20)
90. Signing out users (3:46)
91. _Identity partial view (2:17)
92. Identity based menu items (4:44)
93. Role-based UI rendering (7:15)
94. Role based Orders view (11:38)
95. Listing all users (6:17)
96. [Authorize] in Controllers (6:09)
97. Adding role checks in [Authorize] (8:00)
Azure Deployment
98. Setting up Azure SQL Server (5:17)
99. Setting up Azure SQL Database (3:43)
100. Swapping database connection strings (7:27)
101. Setting up Azure Application Service (4:25)
102. Deploying application to Azure (3:05)
103. Update default routing (4:43)
Disable Add to Cart for expired movies (4:32)
Hide shopping cart icon after an order is completed (3:51)
Hide shopping cart icon afer an order (5:23)
Adding IActorsService interface
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